Solar Information

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Did you know: The amount of sunlight that strikes the earth's surface in a hour and a half is enough to handle the entire world's energy consumption for a full year? In our ever-changing world, people have tried to find renewable energy sources to help our environment and protect it from harmful things like coal and oil. Solar panels are large flat boards that are usually on top of houses. When the sun is out, the panels absorb the sun’s energy and create electricity to sustainably power your household. Only recently has solar powered energy become more accessible for families to use.

Ways to help

Why you should consider going solar: Reduces the cost of electricity greatly. Off-the-grid energy: In the case of a power outage, you may still have electricity stored up because you aren’t connected to the city’s power grid. Extra energy can be sold back to the electrical company. Solar panels are a great investment and an easy way to reduce your carbon footprint!
